The Neahusan Clan

Will gets to go to afternoon Kindergarten!  He's been jumping off the walls with excitement for weeks now.  There have been a few disappointments through his perspective though.  He didn't get to start the same day his sisters did.  He had to wait a whole week longer.  That was the longest week in this young boy's life.  His second disappointment was that almost all of his friends are in morning kindergarten.  I figure he'll make new friends in no time.  There's always a fight for that morning time slot, and frankly it's not worth it.  Both Will and I aren't morning people, and with a baby coming I thought afternoon would be easier on everyone.  Will's third disappointment:  he doesn't get to eat lunch at school.  For some reason he got it into his mind that he'd be taking a lunch box to school just like his sisters.  He was sad when he learned he still had to eat at home with Mommy before going to school.  So funny!

The good things (in Will's eyes):  his teacher Mrs. Armstrong, learning how to read, recess, computers, centers, and doing math!

Duckies and geese and swans, oh my!
We've discovered how fun a day-trip to Lake Tahoe can be.  We only live about 45 minutes away from those gorgeous beaches.  We've gone twice now.  It's so fun, especially with friends.  We were surprised at how ocean-like it seemed.  The beaches were so sandy and there were actual small waves and a tide.  Because it's so high up in the mountains, the temperature rarely gets above the 80's, and the water stays pretty cold (60's I believe).

Sand, sand and more sand!
We packed a picnic lunch and stayed for a 3-4 hours.  We just wished Sean could have joined us, but since we went on a Wednesday, he couldn't.

The kids got a little annoyed with the sand after a while.  This was after all, their very first sandy beach experience.  It stuck to everything!  It itched them, it chaffed them, sand got into their food, but they sure had fun in it.  Our poor van won't ever be sand free again in it's lifetime. 

The other thing we learned was that I can't trust the kids to do their own sunscreen yet, especially in such high altitudes.  It was a hilarious, but a painful lesson for them.  Aspen forgot her face completely and was bright red by the time we got home.  Kylee has a red and white striped forehead, and Celeste has a red and white polka dot cheek. . . like I said, hilarious.  Even I goofed on Will and forgot the tops of his feet, ouch! 

I wish I was a better photographer, hence the slightly washed out beach pictures.  And unfortunately
the "after" pictures of their very obvious sunburns didn't show up on camera at all.

Over all, it was totally worth it and we want to go a whole bunch more next summer.  Preferably with Sean!