The Neahusan Clan

Now Eli's 3 weeks old already.  Wow.  He's started to prove me wrong in somethings too.  He spit up all over my bed.  He's gets pretty cranky when I eat too many onions.  And he's getting better about burping.  It's been fun watching him grow and change and noticing the glimmer of personality that's already developing. 

Our big question of the week: 
Who do you think Eli looks most like? 

Here's the siblings' baby pictures to compare.  Have fun!
2/15/2010 02:27:47 pm

And I say again, He totally looks like Will to me, and maybe that is because I knew Will as a smallish baby. =) I also didn't realize your girls had so much HAIR! HOLY COW! No wonder Kylee has hair that grows like a weed, it started out that way!! I'm so glad you are documenting the photos so I can get to know Little Eli better..... kinda wish I could get on the ball and start blogging again.... hummm...


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