The Neahusan Clan

Eli's smiling all the time now.  He's getting really good at sleeping through the night too.  He just doesn't like taking day-time naps in his crib.  He still sleeps on me most nap times.  Perhaps it's because I refuse to swaddle him during the day.  Eli's just starting to try to laugh, but it comes out as a weird gasp.  He's also discovered his hands.  He prefers sucking on his left fist.  It's always the left one.  Might we have another lefty in the family?  He's getting a pretty strong grip too.  He can't grab for things on purpose, but boy oh boy can he accidentally pull hair and not let go!  He still has a temper, but it's not as frequent, mostly only if Mommy's had too many onions or beans the day before.  He snorts pretty heavily when he's upset.  It's kinda comical.

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